Saying Our Goodbyes to Summer

As students go back to a new school year, they remember their fun times

new york art

Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan was voted one of the most beautiful places in the country. Naturally, many of our West Bloomfield students and their families visited our beloved lake shore. Many of our students got jobs and they moved forward during their time away from school. But now that we are back in school, sitting in classes and trying not to sleep in desks we can only remember our summer memories.

   new york tower

 “The western trip was the best 5 weeks of my life, making friendships that will last forever!” Dalia Rubenstein, sophomore


“The lake was a blast on the new Jet skis!” Tori Stark and Adrian Oliver, seniors


“I was on the West Bloomfield High School Equestrian Team!! The first time on my horse was awesome!” Ana Weinfuther, sophomore


“It was a new way of living. It was loud, a good loud and when I came back to West Bloomfield it was a weird transition!” Neil Haran sophomore.


“Walking down 5th Avenue, I saw the truly fashionable. These people were insane with their $500 shoes and their $ 300 coats.” Kara Gimby, freshman



sam luken

“I went to Mystic Lake and went camping with friends!! So much fun, ended too short!” Sam Luken, junior