U-Matter Week Celebration Continues with Teacher “TED Talks”


Photo credit: Lauryn Azu

Lauryn Azu, Ben Goldman, and Melissa Strome

As part of this week’s U-Matter campaign, teachers gave motivational “TED Talk”-style speeches, on Wednesday, November 16. The goal was to to have familiar faces instill inspiring messages and wisdom upon the WBHS student body.

The talks ran in two blocks, with a total of nine teachers and staff members delivering speeches. These speakers included Mr. Bellamy, Dr. Hoffert, Mr. Muylaert, Ms. Ismail. Ms. Abeska, Ms. Nadler, Ms. Noon, Ms. Danton, and Mr. Corcoran.

Not only did teachers and faculty share powerful messages and personal experiences, but they connected their experiences to their audience.

“I felt that it was more meaningful hearing these messages from teachers that I have personal relations with,” said Hallie Remer, senior. “Some of the advice that was shared might help me when I get stressed or decide to put a homework assignment off.”

These types of presentations are perfect for WBHS. Students found out that their teachers have a story to tell and are not afraid to share it.

“My favorite speaker was definitely Ms. Nadler. She really had a story to tell, she’s really gone through tough times but she still walked across that stage looking strong and positive,” said Jordan Yaldo, senior.

“I felt like my message was something that everybody can connect with,” said Ms. Melissa Noon, one of the presenters at the Teacher TED Talk. “I’m hoping that they know that I care, and I hope that they heard some part of the message that said no matter how alone they feel, they’re really not. And no matter how hard a situation is, there is another choice,” Noon continued.

“I would say that the impact has been very strong,” said Associate Principal Dr. Mara Hoffert.  

“Students can take away from the stories from the TED talks that everybody has a story . . .I am beyond proud of all of our students, and the staff members that had the courage to go up on stage. I think it’s going to have a really positive impact on school culture,” she continued.

Learning about the situations their teachers have faced makes teachers at WBHS more approachable and relatable. When students know that their is an adult in the building who has faced similar struggles in life, students are more likely to approach someone for advice and comfort if they too are facing these problems. It’s important to know that it is possible to make it through even the worst situations in life, and that with time everything gets better.

“You don’t have to wait to say what you mean. Don’t wait to a person how you feel. Life is precious, you don’t want to spend the time waiting,” said Mrs. Julie Abeska, another one of the staff members who spoke at this event. 

What else will U-Matter week have in store for students? Check Spectrum for more updates on this year’s U-Matter week!