Finals are closing in on WB students

Finals are closing in on WB students

Melissa Strome and Madison Ruiz

Students at West Bloomfield High School have finals right around the corner. Most seniors are relaxed since a lot of them have already been accepted into their college of choice, other seniors are stressed about this semester because these are the last grades that can change a college’s decision.

Juniors and underclassmen seem to be even more stressed than the on-the-edge seniors.  “I’ve never once been nervous for finals… finals are nervous for me!” said Nick O’shea, junior. Strange enough, he was one of the few that were not stressed at all. Lyndsey Cooper, sophomore, was super nervous because she is taking more challenging courses than she had in the past. These finals would either make or break her semester grade.

As you might expect, the freshmen were the most anxious. Not only were they worried about their grade point average, but Amanda Siddiqui was scared that she would forget the content once she got to the test. Clearly, the more experienced final test takers understand what is important to focus on while studying so that they would be less stressed when finals came around.

Don’t forget that finals are a time to secure your grades so study hard and good luck!