Green, Clean, and Supreme


Jo Fogarasi and Ari Felhandler

On Tuesday, May 16th West Bloomfield High School’s courtyard rocked with excitement as scientific creative geniuses flowed with decorative presentations and adrenalized students shrieked with excitement after winning a raffle. This year’s theme tackled the vital threat posed by climate change, phrased “Climate Connection.” Students from Mr. Joshua Barclay’s Honors Physics, AP Physics, and Earth Club devoted hours to educating fairgoers on the potentially devastating impact of society’s habits of polluting. Projects focused on various topics including tracking individual’s carbon footprint, educating individuals on ways to conserve energy at home, and even fundraising booths to raise awareness and money for the Earth Club’s push to power the entire science department solely on solar energy (20 Kilowatts by 2020 Project).


Rishabh Parekh (junior) exclaimed with excitement,  “I loved the Earth Fair because it was a fantastic opportunity to interact with students interested in science or their community. We were able to pledge 30 students into conserving our planet, especially since they only have one. And Barclay is an amazing teacher who I look up to and want to emulate when I am older and be just like him.”


When asking Vaibhav Velagapudi (junior), he said that “It effectively blends social interaction and science in a manner that is both informative and engaging.”
Overall, the fair was a total success and students had a great time learning about the importance of our earth.