Onsite Admissions

Onsite Admissions

Jo Fogarasi

On October 17th, West Bloomfield High School will be hosting their annual onsite admissions, open to seniors who would like to get a little ahead in the college game. The following schools will be in attendance.


Bowling Green State University

Eastern Michigan University

Lawrence Tech University

Michigan Tech University

Oakland University

Oakland Community College

University of Detroit Mercy

University of Michigan-Flint

University of Michigan- Dearborn

Central Michigan University

Grand Valley State University

Lake Superior State University

Northern Michigan University

Rochester College

Saginaw Valley State University

University of Toledo


October 8th: Registration closes. Once a college is full, it will close. Students may register for no more than 5.

October 10th: All students must provide copies of ACT/SAT scores to the Counseling Office before October 10th. If we do not have scores, you will be removed from the sign up.  Colleges must see scores in order to make decisions. You are to provide copies for each school in which you apply… ex. 5 colleges = 5 copies of test scores.

October 12th: Please understand that students must apply to each school online, pay the admission fee (if applicable), and meet the minimum GPA/SAT/ACT requirements for each school by October 12th. Please print the application to bring with you.

The school will provide transcripts to each college for students. After registration, one must notify their counselor to make any changes. Please choose carefully and intentionally. On the day of, students will receive a time they can leave to go have an interview with the colleges they signed up for. Please make sure to dress professionally if participating. Contact your counselor if you have any questions. Good Luck Seniors!