Model United Nations Makes an Impact


On Saturday, November 7th, the West Bloomfield High School Model United Nations team (WBHS MUN) gathered at Royal Oak High School to spend the day in the company of hundreds of students to participate in the annual Southeastern Michigan Model United Nations Association (SEMMUNA) conference.


One of the most compelling clubs at WBHS is Model United Nations. It provides a forum for ambitious students to engage in a realistic, educational, and hands on simulation of the real United Nations. The United Nations was initially founded in 1945 on the premise of improving on an inept League of Nations after World War 2. It is an intercountry organization of which promotes cooperation, diplomacy, and unity among represented countries in the world. 193 countries, their interests and positions, are effectively represented and debated for humanity’s overall benefit. It consists of numerous committees and councils, which focus on important and controversial topics, problems, and solutions. An example of such, includes the UN Security Council, which is responsible for discussing topics relating to the peace and wellbeing worldwide. Model UN is a club that provides a scaled down version of the real UN, allowing delegates to represent countries with an underlying issue or problem. These delegates then debate the different country positions, solutions, and resolutions. There are  many benefits of being a member of such a club and participating in conferences. Students learn how to research country positions and write position papers. They are given an opportunity to speak publically, as well as debate with students from neighboring communities, states, and even other countries.


At this conference, every student represented a certain country in various committees that dealt with problems the actual United Nations is facing currently. They were able to discuss their country’s role in issues such as Climate Change, GMOs, ISIS, and Human Trafficking. SEMMUNA is an important conference in the Model U.N. circuit because it is a relaxed and easygoing tournament, and gives novice members the chance to practice their skills. This year’s SEMUNNA conference was especially important, as the association is celebrating its 20th anniversary since it’s founding way back in 1995. WBHS MUN executive board member, Rishabh Parekh (sophomore) said, “It teaches you valuable lessons and skills that you can use during future conferences.” SEMMUNA truly is a learning experience for everyone involved.


WBHS MUN executive board members, Celine Foster (junior) and Nasser Junedi (junior), were chairs for the committee on Access to Water. Someone who is a chair is in charge of an entire committee. This is an important position held by experienced Model U.N. delegates. On the atmosphere of SEMMUNA, Foster said, “SEMMUNA is typically a wonderful introduction conference, and this year it did not disappoint. It had a large range of delegates, from fresh-faced newbies to experienced parliamentary sharks. It was really interesting to watch each type of student mingle and interact”.


WBHS’s MUN team hopes to dominate in their upcoming conferences including a BHHS Model United Nations Conference on December 12th, the first annual Oakland University Model United Nations Conference on February 26th, the Mid-American Model United Nations Conference in Kalamazoo on March 15th, and the international New York Model United Nations Conference in New York City on March 2nd.  


The WBHS MUN club’s executive board includes Nasser Junedi, Ari Felhandler (sophomore), Celine Foster (junior), and Rishabh Parekh (sophomore).
For more details about the club or joining, please contact Ari Felhandler ([email protected])

