TOP 10: Delicious Sugar-Free Holiday treats


Madison Ruiz

Everyone loves to indulge once and awhile, especially around the holidays, but hate feeling guilty afterwards. The spectrum staff has gathered 10 of the most delicious, sugar-free desserts that will leave you feeling good.

10. Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Cheesecake

Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Cheesecake

9. Peanut Butter & Cardamom Dark Chocolate Truffles

Peanut Butter & Cardamom Dark Chocolate Truffles

8. Brownie Truffle Pie

Brownie Truffle Pie

7. Healthy cake batter fudge

Healthy Cake Batter Fudge

6. Pecan Turtle Cheesecake Bars

Pecan Turtle Cheesecake Bars

5. Gluten-Free Vegan Lemon Coconut Squares

Gluten-Free Vegan Lemon Coconut Squares

4.  Chocolate Cake with Peppermint Coconut Cream

Chocolate Cake with Peppermint Coconut Cream

3. Raw mint Slice Bites

Raw Mint Slice Bites

2. Guilt-Free Pecan Pie Cookies

Guilt-Free Pecan Pie Cookies

1. Sea Salt Chocolate Caramels

Sea Salt Chocolate Caramels


Now go eat your heart out!!!