Celebrating Senior Success

The festivities for this year’s Class of 2016 have only begun!


Lauryn Azu and Madison Ruiz

On Tuesday, April 26th WBHS seniors celebrated Senior Signing Day in the I-Center. According to Principal Watson, “This year’s senior class is an amazing class. One of the reasons we’re having this signing day is during the summer when we asked the senior class what would make this experience of being in high school better. They came up with a couple suggestions and one of those suggestions was to honor all the seniors, whatever they’re doing. They wanted the opportunity to be honored like the students athletes are on their signing day.” This event took place during all lunches, and the I-Center had an excellent turnout. Seniors had the chance to express what they would be pursuing after high school whether it be college, military, internships, joining the workforce, or taking a gap year. There are so many options for the seniors to choose from, and the administration wants them all to be celebrated. Throughout all lunches seniors had the opportunity to get pizza, chips and a cookie, create flags representing their choice college, socialize with their peers, staff members, and parents while relaxing.

On this event Sarah Shore, senior, said that, “It’s a great way to represent your college and bring all the seniors together. I really love it!!” Navon Mosley, senior, said that, “It’s a great feeling. I’m just blessed to know that me and all my other friends are going to college. It took a lot of hard work throughout high school to get here.” Some advice these graduates have to underclassmen is, “Never conform to the status quo. Always find new ways to change it, to challenge it. Be uncomfortable with being comfortable” said Mario Kakos, senior.

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Go Lakers!