It’s The End of The School Year

May 12, 2016
It’s the end of the school year
The flowers are coming
the students are leaving
Counting and thinking and stress
Lack of effort
Lack of energy
Where is the finish line?
It’s the end of the school year
I begin to hold onto things more dearly
I cherish each memory
I reflect on the past
A strange mix of happy and sad
A strange mix of enthusiasm and dread
And then what?
It’s the end of the school year
And soon it will be summer
3 whole months of saturdays
80 days
1,920 hours
6,912,000 seconds
Countless possibilities and freedom
What will I do?
It’s the end of the school year
Next year is only a mystery
I think about it often
Will they remember me?
Who am I?
What will it be like?
When will it start?
When will it end?
It’s the end of the school year and I’m anxious, nervous, scared, uneasy, concerned, but mostly excited