The M-STEP Steps Up

The M-STEP Steps Up

Sick of taking the old MEAP test (Michigan Educational Assessment Program) every fall? Good news for you! Starting this spring, West Bloomfield High School will be implementing the State of Michigan’s new standardized testing plan, the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress(M-STEP). The M-STEP will replace the MEAP as the annual test given to students in Michigan schools. Since testing takes place in the spring season rather than the fall, tests will contain material from the current school year instead of previously taught material. This test was created in order to meet the State Legislature’s requirements for the Spring 2015 testing period, because the Michigan Department of Education(MDE) was forced to create a new test after lawmakers rejected the Smarter Balanced test. The Smarter Balanced test was meant to replace the MEAP, but was rejected by conservatives because it was associated with the Common Core standards. M-STEP is an online test, however it does have a paper and pencil version if necessary. In the spring 2015 period, use of Apple iPads and Chromebooks will be allowed as testing devices.

Unlike the MEAP, the M-STEP test does not involve testing students in the ninth and tenth grade. Students in grades three through eight are tested, and then students are tested again in the eleventh grade. While in the fourth, seventh, and eleventh grades, students will be tested on science. Fifth, eighth and eleventh grade students will be tested on social studies, and students will be tested on both mathematics and English language arts from third through eighth grade, and eleventh grade.

In eleventh grade, students will still have to take the Michigan Merit Examination (MME), which consists of the ACT plus writing, WorkKeys, and an M-STEP summative in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. The English language arts segment contains portions of Smarter Balanced content as well as Michigan-developed field-test items that include a Computer Adaptive Test(CAT), a Classroom Activity, and a Performance Task.

The ACT plus writing was initially administered as a paper pencil test on March 3rd, with a makeup date of March 17th. WorkKeys will also be a paper pencil test, administered on March 4th, with a makeup date of March 18th. The eleventh grade M-STEP testing window will go from the week of April 13th to the week of June 1st. Online testing will be available all through the testing window, while paper pencil tests will only be from the week of April 13th to the week of April 27th.


