Summer of ’15

Seniors have fun in the sun!

Summer of 15

“I plan on working and traveling. I really want to experience as much as I can in the city(Detroit) before I go off to college.”  Morgan Williamson

“This summer is going to be crazy as I move all of my college dorm items across to a different state. I plan doing it in early summer so when college comes around I’ll be prepared. I also plan to spend time with my dogs and family traveling around fun places like Myrtle Beach.”   Audrey Shaw

“This summer I plan on working and spending time with all of my friends before we all go off to college.” Jianella Macalino

“This summer I am going to be traveling and hopefully spending time with friends that will soon be leaving.” Jasmine Morigney

“This summer I plan on getting ready for college and going to France where I will be visiting my family and friends.” Emma Huez

“In the beginning of the summer I plan to take a few college summer classes. Throughout the summer I plan to  attend a bunch of concerts, travel as much as I possibly can, work and save money for college. Sounds like a lot, but soon enough, we will all be even more busy and swamped with life, so why not make the most of this summer?” Tara Naoum

“I have to go to my college June 13th, and start school, so thats pretty important.” Eddie Wilson

“This summer I plan on just relaxing, before I go to college.” Briana Lee

“I plan on hanging out with friends and just living up the last of the time I have here before I go to college.” Tierra Riddick