Act the Year Out

Act the Year Out

It’s that time of year again! The Drama Club is starting back up again this year, and this is the time to get involved. This year there are a lot of opportunities this year for everybody to join one of the biggest clubs in the school, from the Fall Play to Children Show to the Spring Musical and many more things inbetween.

This year’s fall play will be Brave New World, a show placed in dystopian London about a utopian society where strong feelings are removed. This is an opportunity to explore the theatre department, especially tech.  Most people overlook the behind the scenes aspect of a play; sets, lights, props, sound, and this would be a way to find what fits you in the department.

The Children’s show, James and the Giant Peach, a famous children’s tale about a boy who goes on an adventure in a giant peach. Directed by students Jackson Abohasira and Zay Douglas, this is a play that shows off that younger students and is an opportune time for younger students (freshmen and sophomore) to showcase their talents. Children show is only two weeks, with rehearsal and performance time. This is a show that is pretty much student run, which gives kids a lot of opportunity to get more of a grasp on design positions and directing a show.

Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association (MIFA) is a select group of students that take a play or musical and perform at festivals competing against different school within Michigan for awards. This year’s play is Cinders, a play with a very dark twist on Cinderella. MIFA is a very close knit group of people within the Drama department combines acting, tech, and production work.

Film Fest is a collection of student produced, shot, and edited films that are brought together with other schools films for competition. At this festival there are keynote speakers in the movie making business. Film Fest is a great way to understand the full workings of making a film. Students get hands on experience working with each other and semi-professional film equipment.

To finish out the year, the Spring musical is where those in choir can shine in the department. This year’s musical is Pippin, a journey about a boy to find out where he belongs. Unlike the Fall play, everyone who auditioned gets a part whether it’s in the chorus or a star role. This production is huge and every hand is appreciated.

To be in the drama department, you don’t have to be in all of these productions. This is a very diverse and big group, with multiple options of interests from film, to broadway, to live theatre. Go to for more information about the schedule, performance dates, and adutition information.