Pretty Goes Punk

Pretty Goes Punk

Finding my own style has greatly inspired me. I attempt to emulate the punk style.  The punk movement started in the late seventies. It emerged in both the US and Britain at relatively the same time. It comes from rock music and is more aggressive, louder, and has fast beats. Punk music is very anti-establishment and existential. It appealed to the youth who wanted to rebel against the norm. Punk music started a whole subculture. This includes its own style and lifestyle. “Punks rebelled by wearing ripped clothing, black leather, and assembling cultural icons as decoration. Mohawk haircuts, dyed hair, or extremely short cropped haircuts distinguished punks from the typically long-haired rockers.” (St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture)  The lifestyle and ideologies of punk are anti-establishment, with a do it yourself attitude. The punk movement is typically associated with young people, but it does continue far beyond. Something that started as a musical genre turned into a whole lifestyle. Some say punk is dead, and seemingly true punk isn’t what it used to be, punk has turned into a fashion statement and its far more toned down. Expressing myself has made me feel more comfortable in my own skin. It has empowered me. Also in the punk world something that has helped me find a passion in feminism  is the Riot grrrl movement. “Riot grrrl- an underground feminist punk movement- started in the early 90s as a result of female musicians looking around the punk movement, seeing dumba** guys with insulting sexist lyrics and the mindset that “girls can’t play,” and saying, “F*** that.” Rot grrrl music was not only straight up great music, it also political, tackling, topics like rape and eating disorders” (Julie Zeilinger). Finding my own style and being able to show who I am through appearance has boosted my self confidence.  Finding what makes you feel like your self is very important and I have gained lots of self confidence through finding my style.