International Chow Down

Foods From All Around the World


What better way to learn culture than to bring it to the school?! This past Friday, March 18, was the yearly “Taste of Culture” where students are given the opportunity to bring in a variety of foods from different religions and cultures to combine them all for this event. There were many tables set up with food and desserts inspired by Indian, Chaldean, Mexican, African, and many more cultures. There were also accommodations for the students with allergies to nuts. The variety of food during this event strongly reflected the diversity and ethnic widespread of the students at West Bloomfield High School (WB). Taste of Culture was run by Mr. Vennettilli, who teaches Spanish, in addition to running Spanish Club. This event could possibly be one of the most anticipated events that take place during the school year at WB. The price of $1 is a huge bargain for the amount and variety of food that is offered. You couldn’t beat that price anywhere else! The turnout was great this year and as far as food goes, who wouldn’t pay to eat all they can from all different places while it is all conveniently located in one room?!



