Another Win For the Seniors

Seniors vs. Juniors Powder Puff Game 2013


Part of the Junior Powder Puff Team

The Powder Puff  game took place on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013.  There is one Powder Puff game a year, where the seniors challenge the juniors of West Bloomfield High School. The Powder Puff game, which is flag football, is a chance for girls to participate in a football game. The game is a part of  homecoming’s spirit week. The ending score was 42-28, letting senior girls dominate against their fellow upperclassmen.

senior girls
Senior Girls

Deja Green, senior at WBHS said, “Defeating the juniors left a warm spot in my heart.”

Starr Lewis, junior, said, “The Powder Puff game was very fun. It was a great time to have fun with friends and attempt to beat the seniors. The juniors played a tough and fair game. I can’t wait to play as a senior next year!”

The other highlight of the game was watching junior and senior boys become cheerleaders.  They wore cheerleader uniforms and practiced their routines. It is tradition that every year the seniors win the game. On Sunday, September 29th, Powder Puff had it’s first and only practice. All of the proceeds from this game help support all of the senior activities towards the end of the year.

Senior and Junior Boys Cheering At The Powder Puff Game
Senior and Junior Boys Cheering At The Powder Puff Game