WBHS Theater’s “Radium Girls”
October 27, 2021
After almost two years of no live shows, the West Bloomfield High School theater department has worked endlessly in order to prepare this year’s first live performance, Radium Girls.
“Myself and the theater department have spent so many hours together putting everything
we have into this show. As a student director, it has been so much fun preparing a performance for the first time in so long,” from theatre student director Kasey Loudermilk.
In two weeks, Radium Girls will have their debut performance on Thursday, November 11th in the school auditorium. This will follow with two more performances on November 12th and the 13th. Tickets can be purchased for fifteen dollars at the ticket booth before each of the shows as well as a variety of concessions. By showing up and buying a ticket it is an amazing way to help support and fund our school’s theater department so they can continue to put on great performances throughout the year like their children’s play and spring musical.
The tech, costumes, and actors have dedicated a lot of time to Radium Girls and are excited to welcome back an audience into their theater. With a new director and student volunteers ushering you to your seats they are hoping to have a full house to present you their show.
“The story is set in 1926 and revolves around some girls who fall mysteriously ill after painting watches while using radium in the paint and then begin to fall ill. The play is a true story and follows the journey of the main character, Grace Fryer,” Loudermilk said.
Starring senior Shoshana Sprecher as Grace Fryer and Daniel Wisley as Mr. Roeder, it will be an exciting night for WB students or staff that makes their way to the production.
“It will be a fun opening night on November 11th, and break a leg to any of our actors performing,” said Loudermilk.