Safe Haven in AAA

West Bloomfield High School’s African American Awareness Club

Safe Haven in AAA

African American Awareness(AAA) is a club at West Bloomfield High School(WBHS) with a mission of fostering educational, political, and social awareness/understanding among the students of WBHS. They usually meet every other Thursday in advisor and teacher Mr. Joshua Johnson’s room. At the meetings, students can find a safe environment to talk about their concerns and ideas with other students who are interested in the same topics. AAA also educates students on African American history, and African traditions. It was first started over 10 years ago to create a safe place for those who felt they needed one, particularly African American students. The meetings usually involve discussions about sometimes controversial topics, or important issues that affect members lives.

AAA students discuss about controversial topics in small groups and as a club together.

Johnson has been the advisor of AAA for about a year and a half. Johnson says, “I think that it’s making a positive impact because in accordance with its mission, AAA has provided a space for students to share their views about a variety of things.”

A two year member of the executive board and a member of AAA for four years, senior Lakyah Tyner says, “I enjoy being around people who enjoy being at AAA, and being able to participate in discussions and likes that it gives people an outlet that they may not have had before coming to the meetings.”

Club members, freshman Lauryn Azu and sophomore Taylor Grier, love being a part of AAA too. Azu says,”It’s a place where I can feel comfortable in the school, and even if you don’t talk much you can listen, and its a fun place to meet people!” Grier agrees with her, and says “It’s fun because we have group discussions that aren’t arguments and we get to discuss our views on world topics and controversial issues.”

At AAA meetings, students can come together to discuss controversial issues in our country and focus on the positive aspects of those issues. Everybody is welcome, and anyone interested in joining AAA can attend one of their meetings after school every other Thursday in room 212!